about ninamdot

let's pretend like you asked to get to know me okay?

1. I love when new artist kill the vocals on a classic song. ie. Caught Up in the Rapture Original artist: Anita Baker  or Breakin My Heart (Pretty Brown Eyes)  Original artist: Mint Condition 

2. in 7th grade, I wanted a nose job. or no that was 8th grade! Pahahahaha!

3. Indie films are my favorite! sundance film festival and tribeca film festival are on my "places to go" list.

4. to zone out (unwind/calm down/chill) I listen to Michael Bublé.. nice voice and melody huh?! yeah.

5. I love my gap.... see above picture

6. what I find most attractive in a man is his sense of direction! ACT LIKE YOU KNOW WHERE YOU'RE GOING! ha! 

7. wednesday is my favorite day of week. BIBLE STUDY and $5 bang bang shrimp! wait it use to be five 
now it's 6. whatevs! 

more about ninamdot here : )