Welcome to my Canon world:


casino grounds


I will really mail you a check if you can guess what this is a picture of!


gas station/men's bathroom

all photo's by ninamdot


Rihanna responds to Editor and Chief Eva of Jackie magazine (Jackie mag printed an article disrespectfully titled "De N---abitch" mentioning Rihanna's name):

@evajackie I hope u can read english, because your magazine is a poor representation of the evolution of human rights! I find you disrespectful, and rather desperate!! You ran out of legit, civilized information to print! There are 1000's of Dutch girls who would love to be recognized for their contributions to your country, you could have given them an article. Instead, u paid to print one degrading an entire race! That's your contribution to this world! To encourage segregation, to mislead the future leaders to act in the past! You put two words together,with the intent of abasement, that made no sense..."***** BITCH"?!....

Well with all respect, on behalf of my race, here are my two words for you...FUCK

two year old flow:

I have no idea what little man is saying, but I like it! YOU GO BOY!


"if we made watching paint dry the new trend, they’d be all over it"


This morning I woke up to a very nice surprise! Over at Carla Loves Photography I won a copy of her new book! For the contest Carla asked you to write what your dream was. This was my response:

My dream is to be that FANTASTIC aunt I always wanted as a child to my two nieces and nephew. You know, that aunt that lives in New York City or even San Francisco in a loft, successful, works for herself (as a photograpgher) and has no kids of her own. Fly them out for the whole summer, spoil them to no end and teach them life lessons that they will remember for years to come. My dream is for them not to just love Auntie Nina because I'm their family but also love me for being an example and one of reasons they to excel in life!!!


Thanks again Carla!


New artist named Buddy.
Everybody has youtube fame now!
Everybody got a posse to. (pssss: everybody has followers now-uh days!) If you don't, your defiantly not making it in this rap game.


Who do I think I am right now?!
My name is Nina and I do not hold any sort of Lyor Cohen type position in life! Well, maybe I do because I am the consumer so yeah, I'll carry on!

The residential area in this video is looking hella similar to the houses in Friday!

S/O section:
To my Cali friend JACK! Love you & the west side (throw it up throw it UUUUP, I can't see ya!)
To the Gr8st of all Sean's! He loves Fiji water to so. I guess that makes him somebody!


Yeah, so this title^ has absolutely nothing to do with this post, right.
Sometimes when your feeling a certain way, GO WITH IT!
But I do work at the bank & my hair cut is sharp. As. Ever!

So who's dead or alive, making cool look so good right now:
pssss, if you remember this post then you'd know the answer!

James Dean!

I'm feeling so "right now" about this picture.
and no I didn't miss a word in this sentence!
I'm a "right now" woman!

So what are yall saying, a man in stripes eating breakfast don't turn you on?!

Will you ever look this cool w/ no clothes on?! Will you ever not
have any clothes but look like you do have clothes on?

I COME W/ QUESTIONS TONIGHT PEOPLE! And I need direct answers.

During your above viewing I have selected the following tracks for your listening pleasure:

Did I just show my age with that one?
SO WHAT, I'm only 28 : )


A few pictures I took over the weekend:
No time to get into details because I'm on the way out the door trying to catch the sunrise : )
In short
My brother
My Friend
My niece



Hi my faithfuls : )
My wheels have been turning and cooking up and different concepts for pictures. So, soon enough I will be posting new, more exciting ones.



"What's up Nina? How you feel?"


I could not deny myself from posting this!

What I'm thinking about before my own shoot:

Angela Simmons is one of my most favorite young celebrities and every photo shoot I see of her she kills:


*Pictures courtesy of theybf.com


In special dedication to all my friends and family for having the gumption to follow your heart and having the faith on the road less traveled:

* photos by ninamdot


These are image's that you could possibly see featured in August at the +++Pendleton Art Center:

The pictures below give me an outtake feel:

+++Everyone gets an invite to the BIG event in August, which will be a gallery showing/celebration of my 28th born day!

*photos by ninamdot


Last weekend a special man in life passed away from Alzheimer. My grandfather. And these pictures show and tell some his life. Who he was as a man:

Construction worker:
Now I wish I could remeber all the buildings and bridges he use to brag about helping build.

Husband to his SUPER BEAUTIFUL wife:
They were married till his death. Through the good & the bad, is this done any more?

My grandma loves to dance but she said my grandpa "couldn't dance a lick".

This picture is from when they first met, my grandma said.
A boxer:


My grandpa is the one second from the right, with the towel around his neck. Ezzard Charles is the one in front of him. My grandpa was his workout partner back in the 50's:

And a heavy Frisch's customer. I remember always begging to come with him when he would go some nights. He did use to take me and my gandma to the breakfast bar though!

I know some people were/are not fortunate enough to experience the love or relationship from a grandparent and I'm super happy God blessed me to. He is a very big part of my foundation and I'm forever grateful and thankful that a man loved me just for being born. Taught me to be stingy with my money (which was his way of saying: SAVE YOUR MONEY), how to present myself to society (because he said that people are always watching you), to be strong (this was by example), hard work pay's off, and one important thing I won't forget: If your going to do something, make sure your number one (he said this to me at age 13 at the Greyhound station as I was about to leave to compete in my first pageant in Columbus, OH... I didn't even place! HA!)


*photos by ninamdot


the cover of Jadakiss new mixtape dropping May 24th (that's what I heard/read)

*Eventually I will follow some high profile rapper around w/ my camera and shoot him all day, without going noticed, with permission from his/her people of course (NO PAPARAZZI).
Get into some documentary photography. And that will make me a very happy artist. *sigh


I just wanted to know if you all would feel this with me (SMILE)